The goal of any game is to win. There are very few people who enjoy participating. And that, they lie and make excuses for themselves. If you become a successful poker player, you get a whole bunch of perks – respect from other players and friends, admiration from girls, good profits from games and tournaments. There are plenty of poker books and manuals, tutorials and lectures available on the internet, but will they make you a successful real money poker player?
The conclusion is twofold. On the one hand, you gain new knowledge and master certain techniques. On the other hand, your self-esteem goes up dramatically, and you start acting as if these publicly available books are extremely rare and only you managed to read them. The same goes for video lessons, seminars and so on.
No matter how you look at it, the main virtue of a good poker player is self-control. Only by keeping yourself in control can you think through your moves, manage the pot wisely and keep an eye on the behaviour of other players at the same time. If cunning players annoy you and piss you off, you won’t be able to do anything of the sort. You’ll just be thinking to yourself and “why isn’t this working out?” and you’ll stop paying attention to the game and poker in general.
Success often comes with time and experience. A patient person will sooner or later achieve their goals and learn the necessary techniques. To become a master of poker, first learn how to hold your own in all situations, watch your own behavior and reactions during the game, “stifle” them and behave calmly. Study your opponents on the table, stop “staring” at your own cards, waiting for a miracle on the next flop. And when you start to have a balanced attitude to the game, the fresh knowledge will begin to bring the desired benefit.